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WEBPAGE: The webpage has been rewritten with up-to-date information and some new pages for documents, reports and information needed for meetings. Before the beginning of the current year, the last entry was in 2017, so the page was seriously dated! The visuals now feature current members, and there’s are brief details about officers. The webpage is the only facility that permits attachments and hyperlinks, which is why it is important that members and supporters bookmark the site and refer regularly to it.

ACTION NETWORK: Th emailing facility is used regularly, although it is disappointingly limited through a failure to allow attachments. It is now used to identify new members, although, to date, we don’t have a Membership Secretary to contact new members or prepare a Welcome Pack. 

FACEBOOK: There are now regular posts that draw attention to local, regional and national campaigns. The design of the page doesn’t allow members to post on the main page. Instead they have to post on the ‘messages’ page. Because this is not readily visible it is seriously underused by members and supporters. 

WHATSAPP: There are a regular exchanges on this page, but this is limited to around 15 members. Those wishing to participate in day-to-day discussion should send Paul Darke their mobile number and ask to be admitted (, 07908 263166). 

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: In order to restrict the number of platforms that members should refer to, there is irregular use of other platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok. We are aware that older members particularly don’t use a wide range of platforms. 

Don Gwinnett

July 2024